Is blogging as hard as some think??

Hmmm….an interesting topic indeed. It really depends on how much time you want to put into it.Blogging could be compared to writing a long message on Facebook. A blog first of all is to share information and your life,dreams and inspirations. At least, that’s my view on what a blog should and is. Lets see a blog really isn’t that hard as long as you tell the reader what you are all about. You the blogger have to be able to portray whatever it is you are talking about.


So I checked out Twitter for the first time today. I mean I literally spent an hour just checking out their site and reading up on them. As I was making my account, I realized that they don’t the best job describing the how-to’s. I like the functionality of their site and the ideas and the quick ability of sharing. Also some other benefits of the site would include the quick publishing without having to be ye I do want to share. Also all the annoying applications on facebook have really started irritating the user-base of facebook. That said Twitter really helps as more business like sharing tool.